由柯玫瑰(Rose Kerr)、约翰•盖尔(John Ayers)所著《中国白——德化白瓷》(Blanc de Chine—porcelain from Dehua)于2002年经新加坡亚洲文明博物馆出版,是继唐纳利《中国白——福建德化瓷》之后的一本专门研究德化白瓷的专著,影响甚为深远。
该书收录的都为国外研究德化白瓷的知名学者所撰写德化白瓷研究资料。包括柯玫瑰的“德化器物款识介绍”,海蒂(Heidi Tan)的“鉴赏家探访”,约翰•盖尔的“中国白的影响”,何翠媚(Chuimei Ho)的“考古眼光中的中国白”,郭勒逊(Kenson Kwok)的“德化雕塑结构的一点看法”, 埃娃•施特勒伯(Eva Strober)的“德累斯顿的斯特朗大帝收藏的德化瓷”,以及附录介绍等七个部分,从不同角度介绍了德化白瓷。与此同时,该书收录的160件德化窑精品,为Hickley家藏,后捐赠给新加坡亚洲文明博物馆,是了解、品鉴、研究德化白瓷不可多得的艺术精品。
Blanc de Chine in archaeological perspective:
a tribute to Donnelly by Chuimei Ho
Studying blanc de Chine ware is at once gratifying as well as frustrating. Gratifying because not only is the highly artistic porcelain attractive to view and touch; but also because the ware is one of the earliest ceramic traditions to be associated with artists in China. A blessing to researchers, blanc de Chine is free from the usual entanglements of identification and provenance. The ware is very recognisable,and Dehua county in Fujian has always been its home.Besides,researchers interested in trade and cross-cultural impacts are fortunate in that many good examples and records of blanc de Chine survive in the West. Yet, at the same time, researchers are frustrated because for centuries blanc de Chine potters tended to repeat a small range of successful designs, causing great difficulty in dating as well as in studying its industry"s growth.The most disappointing factor is the lack of good records regarding blanc de Chine potter-artists,technology,and the workshops of this world famous ware.
Given its limitations,P J. Donnelly’s Blanc-de-chine,The Porcelain of Tehua in Fukien, although published thirty years ago,is unquestionably the most definitive volume on the subject.It is also amongst the best scholarly works covering any type of Chinese ceramics published in any language prior to 1970.Subsequent studies add more details but do not surpass Donnelly"s research parameters.it is with this admiration for Donnelly"s work that I find the Hickley collection of special interest and importance;several Hickley pieces have passed through Donnelly"s hands one way or the other.
》,无疑是这个方面最权威的著作。它也是胜过1970年以前以任何语言出版的涵盖所有类型中国瓷器与陶器的最佳学术著作之一。随后的研究增加了更多具体信息,但没有超过唐纳利的研究。正是出于对唐纳利作品的赞赏,我发现希克利的收藏具有特殊的兴趣和重要性; 一些希克利的藏品以这样或那样的方式经过唐纳利的手。
This paper attempts to examine blanc de Chine ware based on archaeological data of the last thirty years;the kind of data Donnelly did not have in his time Has recent field work revealed more about the source of inspiration for blanc de Chine ware?What evidence of production has been found at the two excavations in Dehua?What else do we know about ancient blanc de Chine users and admirers other than that concerning the famous eighteenth century royal collector augustus the Strong?These questions were raised and dealt with in Donnelly’s work in which,in addition to inventory and dating,he dis-cussed the origin,production location, and market for this ware.In this short paper I will try to reassess the first three issues in the light of recent archaeological data.
Origin: Was Blanc de Chine Developed out of a Local Dehua Tradition?
When Donnelly related sixteenth-to seventeenth-century blanc de Chine to thirteenth-to fourteenth-century qingbai(bluish-white)or yingqing (shadow blue)ware made in Dehua-sometimes also nicknamed Marco Polo ware-he speculated that blanc de Chine owed its inspiration to the latter(1969: 42).In other words, Donnelly saw blanc de Chine as a local Dehua product. His claim, unsupported in 1969,has now been proven to be correct.
Kilns in Dehua that made the Marco Polo qingbai ware have been extensively surveyed since the late 1960s.Researchers are now certain that several localities in Dehua -sites which include Jiachunling,Dalongkou, Neiban, and Weilin in Sanban district; Qudougong,Houyao,Shipaige,and Taipinggong in Xunzhong district;and Wanyangkeng in Gaide made ceramics of this type(Map 2).In addition,Marco Polo qingbai was also made outside Dehua in the nearby counties-anyuan in Anxi,and Penglai in Yongchun Coastal sites such as the Xushan kiln in Putian and Dongtian kiln in Nanan reveal relevant ancient Dehua-type wares(FPM 1990: 150).They were found along the Jinjiang River which feeds into the entrepot Quanzhou,a thirteenth-to fourteenth-century city equivalent in status to today"s Shanghai.
In 1975 Qudougong in Dehua was excavated(FPM 1990).A 130-metre long climbing kiln located right in the middle of Dehua township in Qudougong,apparently made both Marco Polo qingbai ware, and some unusual white ware which I will call White Ware I.Qingbai ware of course was not a Dehua or Southern Fujian invention,and the Marco Polo type is a local variation of a wider Central and Coastal China qingbai tradition.White Ware I, however, was rather unique; it was made in no other place in China. The ware is thick porcelain with a translucent paste, rather plain in shape and design, and the whiteness of the glaze has a soft and creamy lustre.Even though White Ware I is not as refined as the typical blanc de Chine pieces of later date,it is easy to see the connection between them (FPM 1990: 81).The finding of White Ware I is groundbreaking in two ways. First,the ware Is contemporary with, not a later development of, Marco Polo qingbai.Second, Qudougong was active during the mid-to late fourteenth century, thus placing White Ware I 150 years prior to the beginning of blanc de Chine.based on the Qudougong findings,we can safely conclude that blanc de Chine was derived from White Ware I,not Marco Polo qingbai ware in Dehua.It took Dehua potters almost a century and a half,between White Ware I and blanc de Chine,to perfect the formula.
Researchers are now in a position to raise questions leading to a better understanding of the rise of blanc de Chine ware.For instance, why, out of the many contemporary kilns in the Jinjiang River area, were potters at Qudougong alone interested in experimenting with the new product White Ware I,which was not to pay off for about two centuries? One possible reason could be the nature of the data -other kilns might also have deve-loped White Ware I,but no such sherd has yet surfaced. The other possibility is that Qudougong potters alone had the required skills which potters carefully kept to them- selves.This may explain the rather slow progress leading to the making of blanc de Chine.What is surprising is that even during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries when blanc de Chine was no longer a top secret technique,it was still the Dehua potters who made the ware.Few other neighbouring potters tried or succeeded.