(翻译:德化窑遗产文化研究院 孙延燕)
然而,当时真正来过中国的西方人并不多。1935年5月,西方学者萨顿(Willard James Sutton)到德化瓷厂参观,英国作家唐纳利撰写的《中国白—福建德化瓷》(《Blanc de Chine -Porcelain of Tehua in Fukien》)一书记录了他当时的见闻。

Wares so decorated were still cheap-a twelve-piece tea set with decoration to order and with a tray bearing an inscription commemorating the visit of the Sutton party was ready in two days at a price of two shillings. Gold ornament was freely used.When a kiln isin use for a long time broken seggars and pottery so clutter up the place that a new site is chosen in preference to clearing away the rubble.That is why abandoned kiln sites are to be found in and near scores of villages of a pottery making centre, and Sutton tells us that the pre-war road building programme in Tehua district revealed hundreds of these. He particularly mentions one with a tree growing over it having a trunk 14 ft.in circumference, and the 1960 investigators made a similar discovery.